Countdown to Easter 2.0

Jesus is atonement.
Jesus redeems.
Jesus is the way to eternal life.
Jesus is the saving grace.
Jesus is the truth.
Jesus is rest.
Jesus is the standard.
Jesus is greater.
Jesus is to be experienced personally.
Jesus out gives you always.
Jesus' gifts are everlasting.
Jesus qualifies.
Jesus sees and acknowledges the unseen.
Jesus magnifies.
Jesus multiples.
Jesus is hope.
Jesus has plans and purposes for you.
Jesus provides.
Jesus has everything covered. 
He's on His throne ready to send out situations and opportunities your way.
Are you going to trust Him to fulfill His promises?
Jesus is not a magic trick.
Jesus is not a gimmick.
Jesus is not a genie.
Jesus is all or nothing, never some type of side-piece.
Faith marks you as His.
Faith gets you at His table.
Faith gets His attention.
Jesus goes to the places we avoid.
Jesus may at times inconvenience you but it's worth it.
Jesus calls us to a higher standard.
Jesus calls us to love.
Jesus calls us the salt and the light of the world.
Jesus forgives your sins.
Jesus can do it all.
Jesus is a wanted man but He still has time for you.
Jesus considers you family.
Share in the comments section what Jesus means to you.
Scripture: John 3:1-4:42
Matthew 5:1-7:29
Matthew 8:1-9:8
Matthew 12:1-45
Matthew 13:1-52

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