Mini Bites 19.0

Our identity is in God, which means from everlasting to everlasting, from beginning to end, our worth will never change, never tarnish. As long as we are His, our identity cannot be shaken by our circumstances, cannot be taken away by anyone or chipped away by careless actions or words. We are His, irrevocably His, forever. 

Mini Bites 18.0

It may seem like everyone is sleeping on you, that no one sees what you have to offer but don't worry.
Being hidden in God is the best thing ever! His presence will protect you from criticism and situations that may try to abort His purpose within you or will make it extremely hard to walk out His will for your life.
So stay hidden in God!
Wait on God to cue the music and draw the curtains for you. Be patient on His timing and be faithful with what He has given you.
You are God's gift to the world. You have something that someone's been praying for. You have no idea as to how God is gonna use you. Get excited because His plans are gonna exceed your wildest dreams!!

Mini Bites 17.0

World's def. the quality of being morally right or justifiable
God's def. Romans 4:3- Abraham believed God and it was credited to him as righteousness.

Righteousness is faith, trust in God. We are made right not by our actions but by our belief. It is as simple as that (which is crazy). Faith is what gets God's attention, that's what pleases God (Hebrews 11:6). This is not rocket science. Place your hope in Him and you get to live in His promises. You get to cover yourself with His love. You get to soak yourself in His presence. You get to reap, usher in God himself into your life, into any situation when you believe that He came down in the form of Jesus to die on the cross and rise from the dead to be with you. He loves you that much that He came down to your mess in order to bring you back to His level. He wants you. Yes, you.
He doesn't want you when you're clean. He doesn't want you when you act right. He doesn't want you when you meet a standard. He wants you now, as is. So go to Him, seek God now when you feel unworthy. It's ok because over time, God will change you. He'll cloak you in His righteousness. You'll start to see yourself as God sees you.
But that only happens when you surrender it all to Him now.

Mini Bites 16.0

Jesus is not looking for saints. Jesus doesn't want perfect. He wants you in all your crap with all your baggages weighed down by all your issues. You don't need to be clean and pristine to approach His throne. All you need is a receiving and willing heart to encounter Jesus in a profound way.
Don't believe me?
In the bible, there are countless accounts of God making promises to people who He knew would mess up majorly in a few pages.
Abraham slept with Sarah's maidservant. He still got Isaac from Sarah's womb.
David killed Uriah after impregnating his wife. Jesus still came from David's bloodline through Solomon.
Peter denied Jesus three times. He still became the rock upon which Jesus built his church.
God still kept His word despite the disappointments. Better yet, God, being omniscient, gave His word in the first place, which goes to show that He wants to be good to you, not because of what you've done but because of who He is. 
A good God. An awesome God who bestows His love on you just because. 
You don't deserve it. You can't earn it.
It's grace. Receive it.