Morning Ritual

Don't try to wake me
I know a new day has come
Just let me lie here for a while
Let me rest my eyes for a bit
What are you doing?
Don't leave me
At least not yet
I want one thing
Just one
I want you
Right now
On this bed
I need you to lie down
And relax
And breathe
As I lay my head down
To listen to your heart
Play its beat
I need to be wrapped up within you
Feel your arms around me
Become my cocoon
Shelter me from the outside view
Keep my feet warm between yours
You don't even have to talk
Don't say a word
Because your touch is enough
Sometimes, I know I can be demanding
But right now
At this moment
Indulge me
Then maybe if we haven't fallen asleep
Then maybe I'll face this new day

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