Exodus 4

Last chapter, God comes down and reveals to Moses that He will be using him to deliver the Israelites.

God has come prepared. He has a plan, and He's waiting for Moses to co-sign on the execution.

However, Moses wants nothing to do with it and tries to dissuade God from using him; but He doesn't budge. Moses' excuses did not matter because like He said in the beginning, "I will be with you."

The Great I AM said, "I will be with you," and all Moses could focus on was his resume, his failures, his shortcomings.

Moses was pretty self-centered and couldn't see beyond himself to realize that God could and would take care of everything that would trip him up.

What if they don't believe me? "Here are three signs that you can show them."
What if the pharaoh doesn't listen? "I know he won't, and I'll show him to obey."
What if the words fail me? "Who gave you your mouth? Was it not I?"

God remains patient through Moses' babbling because none of it mattered.

His reputation didn't matter.
His rap sheet didn't matter.
His stutter didn't matter.

God knows who He calls. He's unsurprised by our hang-ups and short-comings. He knows and still chooses us, still wants us.

There is nothing in us too broken that cannot be redeemed by God. There is nothing in us too broken that can stop God's power from working through us. Nothing.

But Moses doesn't know that. All he sees is himself, which obscures his vision of the living God. So God sends Aaron his brother to shield Moses from confronting his fears and insecurities upfront.

With his comfort zone intact, Moses goes back to Egypt with his family, and his wife saves him from the wrath of God by circumcising her son. Afterwards, he meets with Aaron in the desert to rehearse the plan.

And the fourth chapter ends with God's plan unfolding the way He planned.

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