
We are finite beings. We have limits, and we make mistakes. Sometimes, if not all the time, we are not able to do what God has called us to do.

No one knew that better than Moses.

In his youth, Moses killed and buried an Egyptian who tormented one of his own, a Hebrew. Then his deed was uncovered and the Pharaoh wanted him dead. So Moses ran away and spent the next forty years in the desert.

And that’s where God, in a burning bush, met with Moses.

In a dry place, outside of his native home, with neither palace nor accolade, watching over sheep that weren’t even his, Moses met with the living God who asked him to do something way above his pay grade.

“Go. I am sending you to Pharaoh to bring my people the Israelites out of Egypt.” (Exodus 3:10)

After that command, Moses probably took a step back, looked around and realized only miles of sand and a herd of sheep surrounded him and the burning bush.

It was certain that God was talking to him, but Moses was equally convinced that God had the wrong person. So he decided to correct Him.

“Who am I, that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the Israelites out of Egypt?” (verse 11)

We do the same thing, don’t we?

We know that God has called us and asked specifically for us to accomplish a task, but we take in the huge order He’s calling us to fill and make the unanimous decision that Someone made a drastic mistake.

So like Moses, we ask, “But who are we that You would ask such a thing of us?”

And God replies to us with the same answer He gave Moses thousands of years ago: “I will be with you.” (verse 12)

But I don’t have enough?

I will be with you.

But I don’t know anyone?

I will be with you.

But I didn’t come with the right thing.

I will be with you.

God doesn’t look at our resumes, our skills or our incapabilities. When He asks us to do something, He’d already counted the cost. There is no need for us to go over the plan with a fine-tooth comb. He already knows what it will take for us to do what He’s asked of us.

While we look at the gaps in His plans (He wants me to do what now?), God sees Himself filling the gaping holes in us so that we are empowered to do what He said.

We’re right when we say that we can’t but God absolutely can. We should never forget that.

“With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” (Matthew 19:26)

Even in our mistakes, and in our wrongs and in our lack, God certainly can.

That is the power of grace. Grace doesn’t hold us to the level of perfection we so desperately cling ourselves to. Grace doesn’t expect us to figure it out on our own and do it in our own strength. Grace doesn’t hold our past against us.

How can grace do that when He already died for our sins?

Instead, grace comes in and fills us to completion. Grace comes in and becomes our strength. Grace comes in and shines bright in our jars of clay.

There are always two sides of a situation. Like a coin, we can flip the perspective. We can either focus on the missing parts and talk ourselves out of God’s plan. Or we can trust His grace and join Him.

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